Temporomandibular disorders among Sami - DiVA Portal
Temporomandibular disorders among Sami - DiVA Portal
dynamic dental articulation events in contrast to static dental occlusion events. During a right and left laterotrusion/mediotrusion of the mandible, the number of compound, MOVIMIENTO MANDIBULAR DE PROTRUSIÓN Es cuando la mandíbula se desplaza de atrás hacia delante desde la Posición de Máxima Intercuspidación (Oclusión Céntrica) En una relación normal, los contactos de protrusión se producen en los dientes anteriores, entre los bordes Incisivos y vestibulares de los Incisivos Mandibulares y las áreas de la fosa lingual y los bordes incisivos de los dientes maxilares. The translating condyle (mediotrusive, nonworking-side, balancing, idling, or orbiting condyle) denotes the condyle sliding downward and forward during lateral movement; the side of the jaw of the translating condyle is correspondingly known as the translation or mediotrusive side or the nonworking or balancing side because the teeth are taken out of contact on that side. the mediotrusive path forms the Bennett angle 1with the protrusion trace on the non-working side. The condyle describes a laterotrusion on the working side.
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2. Share. Save. 53 / 2. TMJ.com. TMJ.com. 327 subscribers.
Temporomandibular disorders among Sami - DiVA Portal
Study These Flashcards The excessive cusp steepness is reduced on the laterotrusion (working) contacts and the mediotrusive (balancing) interferences are removed. Page 7. Dr Harisha place early in mandibular laterotrusion, producing lateral movement of the posterior teeth side of mastication, and occlusal (mediotrusive) interferences. ( 27).
Temporomandibular disorders among Sami - DiVA Portal
A mediotrusive movement for the left condyle (a right working) will left laterotrusion it would have to pass over the mesiolingual cusp of #3.
The condyle describes a laterotrusion on the working side. Deviations from the . laterotrusion are defined as shift angle 2.
Cajsa boussard
Desde el punto de vista fisiopatológico, se produce un movimiento condilar anómalo con estiramiento y afectación de los tejidos blandos del lado de no trabajo y desvia-ción de la mandíbula que puede traumatizar la arti-culación16. The subjects were divided into M and D groups according to their mesial and distal canine guidance, and were also divided into protrusive laterotrusion (PL) and retrusive laterotrusion (RL) groups according to their laterotrusive tracing patterns.
The majority of the contacts on the mediotrusive side
The aim of this study was to investigate the centric occlusal contact pattern in maximum intercuspation and to study the nature of occlusal contacts during maximum intercuspation to protrusive, lateroprotrusive and lateral excursive movements. Fifty subjects having gingival recession and ten subjects having gingival clefts belonging to age group of 18–25 years were selected after obtaining
The maximum possible laterotrusion score for the posterior dentition was 2 premolar and 2 molar zones X 2 facet locations X maximum severit}' score of 4 = 32. The maximum possible mediotrusion score for the posterior dentition was 2 premolar and 2 molar zones X 1 facet location X maximum sever- …
They were also divided into protrusive laterotrusion (PL) or retrusive laterotrusion (RL) groups according to the tracing patterns. The incidence of clicking was 23·8% in all 84 TMJs.
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Temporomandibular disorders among Sami - DiVA Portal
VI-CNA - md // VE-CA mx.