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Salu Hästar & Ponnier Apelslättsgård
Hovplast/sillicon (Vettecs sortiment). Snösulor. Brodd. Broddnyckel (spärrnyckel med lösa broddhylsor).
Farrier’s Formula ® is a pelleted hoof supplement for horses. It can be added as a top dressing on regular feed or given separately. Farrier’s Formula provides nutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and key amino acid “protein building blocks”. Farrier’s Formula® works because it furnishes all the nutrients known to be deficient if there is a problem with hoof growth or hoof quality. Feed at the replenishment feeding level (6 oz/170 g for a 1,000 lb horse) for horses with hoof problems. Farrier's Formula provides nutrients such as phospholipids, Omega fatty acids, and important amino acid “protein building blocks” that enable horses to build strong structural and connective tissue proteins important for healthy hoof structure and growth. Farrier's Formula® is the original hoof supplement, validated through independent university research, and the #1 recommended* hoof supplement by farriers for 12 consecutive years.
Produkter - Hem
Över 25 år av hästnäringsforskning, kliniska prövningar och fälttester av Farriers Formula®. Life Data® Hoof Clay.
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img 1. Skivad delikatessleverkorv Farrier's Formula Double Concentrate Refill img.
The assortment also contains protective clothing such as farrier's aprons. Farrier's Formula® Double Strength is a pelleted hoof supplement that provides such nutrients as phospholipids, vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids and
Farrier's Formula is a pelleted hoof supplement that can be added as a top dressing on your horses regular feed or given separately.
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NAF. Brogaarden. DODSON & HORRELL.
fotografera. OmniVegan B12 fotografera.
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$125.00 · Farriers Formula Original Strength. $ 135.00 – $349.00 Farrier's Formula proporciona nutrientes tales como fosfolípidos, ácidos grasos omega e importantes "bloques de construcción de proteínas" de aminoácidos Farriers Formula. EquiLife Formula 4 Feet. Fòrtilskudd forebyggelse av dårlig hårvekst og problemer med høver - vitenskapelig testet. Tilbud. kr 742.69 kr 873.75.